The best talent in manufacturing

Reach candidates with the exact skill and experience you need with AI-powered screening and 2 million+ manufacturing candidates at your fingertips.

The savvy recruiter's secret to endless ready-to-talk talent

Always have another candidate for that hard-to-please hiring manager with 700K+ manufacturing pros, nonstop job promotion, and AI-powered screening

Tap into the largest pool of qualified manufacturing candidates

Search through 1 million+ skilled manufacturing professionals (with 10K added each week). Advanced skill breakdowns make it easy to identify candidates with experience in the exact machines and technologies your team needs.

Browse candidates

Applicants that meet your toughest job requirements

Our AI-powered screening automatically gathers the important details from all of your applicants and scores each one to determine how good of a fit they are for your role.

Find the perfect fit

Dive deeper with engaged candidates

We instantly start a text thread with each applicant to warm them up for you. Get faster responses from more candidates with unlimited text messaging. And our AI-assist keeps candidates engaged so that they don’t ghost during a long hiring process.

Start talking with candidates
"85% of people that have applied through FactoryFix are new candidates for us. We’re reaching a totally different audience. And, of those, they’ve already made it through screening too. They’re solid candidates as opposed to 155 people that don’t have experience.”

Marlin Smith
HR Director, ConMet

“Pre-screening is done ahead of time, so it’s is saving me a ton of time. I go into the platform and know that the candidates that I’m going to look at have been already pre-screened. I also really like the ability to text directly with the candidates.”

Stephanie Elliot
HR Manager, G&L Tube

“With FactoryFix providing pre-screened candidates, I'm seeing better-qualified people who are already engaged in conversations through FactoryFix's pre-screening questions than I have through other hiring resources. Candidate ghosting is much less of an issue with FactoryFix. Their SMS messaging is much more effective than our ATS and we've seen fewer candidates drop off throughout the interview process.”

Patrick Frost
Industrial Technical Recruiter, Pactiv-Evergreen

Frequently Asked Questions

How many applicants do jobs get through FactoryFix?

On average, jobs get 10 applications each week they’re live on FactoryFix.

How are you different from major job boards and staffing agencies?

We go much further than just posting jobs in a single feed and burying you under unqualified applicants. We promote your job nonstop across the web and our talent pool, qualify applicants with AI-powered screening, and give you a comprehensive view of the entire talent market.

Where do you distribute job postings?

Jobs are distributed to top job boards, through partners like the National Association of Manufacturers and select trade schools, and our talent pool of manufacturing candidates.

What types of candidates can I find on FactoryFix?

We focus on manufacturing workers for all industries, from machinists and welders to production supervisors and engineers. We keep tabs on all talent across the industry so you don’t have to.

How do you build your talent pool?

We work with a variety of data partners to keep constant tabs on workers in the industry, adding 10K new profiles each week.