Customer Story

How Hudson RPO Leveraged FactoryFix to Find Top Manufacturing Talent

within 24 Hours
Quality Applications per month

Josh Elliott, a Talent Acquisition Partner at Hudson RPO, knew the challenges of finding the best candidates for his client all too well. In an industry where niche skills and high turnover rates were common, Josh needed a reliable tool to help him source quality candidates efficiently. That's when he turned to FactoryFix.

Hudson RPO had already recognized the potential of FactoryFix by establishing an account, but it was only recently that Josh began using the platform extensively for his manufacturing and labor roles. "I was aware of FactoryFix before and had used it to pull market data for hiring manager meetings, but hadn't posted jobs myself," Josh explained.

Quick Results and Valuable Insights

Within just a few days of posting a role on FactoryFix, Josh was impressed by the quality of the candidates he received. "FactoryFix was definitely a super big help in terms of my workflow," he said, noting how the platform automated the process of bringing candidates to him, saving significant time that would otherwise have been spent on manual sourcing.

One of the other standout features for Josh was the market data provided by FactoryFix, which he used to have data-driven discussions with hiring managers about expanding salary ranges. "It actually ended up allowing me to bring that to a hiring manager, start those conversations, and expand the salary range, which was really, really cool to see," he recounted. "That all came from the data that [FactoryFix] provided."

For staffing and RPO professionals, the ability to access accurate market data and use it to consult with clients is invaluable. FactoryFix's data empowered Josh to demonstrate his expertise and add value to his client relationships.

Easy to use Interface

Compared to other popular recruiting tools, Josh found FactoryFix to be more user-friendly and intuitive, especially for the manufacturing and labor roles he focused on. He particularly appreciated how FactoryFix's emails highlighted candidate skill sets, making resume reviews much more efficient – a crucial benefit for staffing and RPO teams managing high volumes of candidates.

The impact of FactoryFix on Josh's recruiting process was best illustrated by a recent success story. After posting a challenging manufacturing engineer role on the platform, Josh was able to present two high-quality candidates to the hiring manager within just 24 hours. "I was able to see a significant candidate volume just 24 hours after posting," he recalled. "And [the hiring manager] was like, 'I want to talk to two of these people.'"

In the fast-paced world of staffing and RPO, the ability to deliver quality candidates quickly is a significant competitive advantage. FactoryFix helped Josh achieve just that, strengthening his relationship with his client.

Excitement for the Future

Looking ahead, Josh was excited to dive deeper into FactoryFix's analytics and leverage the data to optimize his recruiting process further. He also saw great potential in the platform's candidate star ratings for automating the pre-screening process – a feature that could save staffing and RPO teams countless hours.

For staffing and RPO professionals like Josh who are looking to elevate their recruiting success in the manufacturing industry, FactoryFix offers a compelling solution. With its user-friendly interface, automated candidate sourcing, and valuable market data, FactoryFix is an essential tool for firms looking to deliver exceptional results to their clients.

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