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FactoryFix Unveils Copilot Upgrades, Coming Soon

Read this Q&A with FactoryFix Head of Product, Mark Scoptur. He gives updates on FactoryFix Copilot and how his team is working on making the "Ultimate Manufacturing Recruiting Assistant."

The future of FactoryFix has never been more exciting, and we want to provide you with new insights into what's coming. Our Head of Product, Mark Scoptur sat down with us to reveal what his teams are working on and how they’re integrating valuable customer input into the process.

Since rolling out a new user interface and introducing Copilot earlier this year, FactoryFix has reengineered how we leverage customer feedback in our product development cycles. You spoke, and we listened. Now, Mark and the FactoryFix team are excited to introduce powerful enhancements to Copilot and features designed to address fluctuating levels of applicant flow from major job boards.

Enjoy the insights, and don't hesitate to reach out with any additional questions!

Mark, how is FactoryFix responding to major job boards prioritizing paid listings? What's the impact on FactoryFix's job visibility, and what strategies are you implementing to maintain a steady flow of quality candidates?

“It’s an important question and one that we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to address. We're strategically responding to major job boards' aggressive pivot towards monetization, as they increasingly deprioritize organic job postings in favor of paid, revenue-driving listings. We're implementing a series of enhancements to our AI-powered assistant, Copilot, over the next four months. These upgrades are designed to maximize Copilot's ability to source candidates insulating it from external changes in the job board ecosystem.

We’re expanding Copilot's ability to proactively source passive candidates from its curated talent pool. Copilot will also gain the ability to automatically create new versions of each job to improve its organic rankings on other job boards. We’re also making many under-the-hood changes to optimize how effectively Copilot uses other job boards to market roles.”

You mentioned several enhancements to the Copilot feature. Can you expand on that? How will these enhancements make our customers’ jobs easier?

“Our customers can expect several significant improvements to Copilot over the next few months. These include more accurate candidate scoring with highlights on key considerations like relevant work experience, risk of job hopping, commute ability, and pay and shift expectations. We also plan to introduce dynamic screening capabilities, allowing Copilot to tailor questions to each candidate on-the-fly to gather the most pertinent information.

We're upgrading Copilot to make it smarter at getting the attention of quality talent. It'll now reach out to qualified people who aren't actively job searching. We're also enabling Copilot to create multiple versions of job posts, helping them rank better in searches. Behind the scenes, we're improving how Copilot manages job boards to more effectively market our customers’ roles.

Additionally, Copilot will queue up messages for easy one-click sending by your team to keep conversations flowing after screening. Copilot will also provide regular reports on its recent actions and key action items for each recruiter.

These enhancements are designed to deliver more candidates, save our customers time, and make their job easier by automating and optimizing various aspects of the recruitment process.”

How will FactoryFix maintain its commitment to delivering qualified and engaged candidates while increasing overall applicant flow? What new features will enhance our ability to identify the best candidates?

“To ensure FactoryFix’s Copilot delivers high-quality candidates, we're refining its scoring system to become more accurate. The system will highlight key considerations such as relevant work experience, potential for job longevity, commute ability, and alignment with pay and shift expectations. We're also introducing dynamic screening capabilities. When turned on, Copilot will tailor questions to each candidate to gather the most pertinent information for informed decision-making.”

How will these updates further differentiate FactoryFix? How will they help solidify FactoryFix's uniqueness?

“These improvements set us apart by making Copilot do more of the heavy lifting in finding candidates. This frees up our customers to focus on what really matters in their day-to-day work. We're aiming to consistently deliver more top-notch candidates to choose from. By fine-tuning our AI to handle everything from finding to screening candidates more accurately and capably, we're cementing our position as the go-to platform for modern manufacturing recruitment.”

How do these next two development cycles fit into the overall future state and vision for FactoryFix?

“Our goal is to pack Copilot with deep industry know-how, best-in-class recruiting ability, and round-the-clock availability to give our customers a recruiting powerhouse that blows traditional methods out of the water.”

“We're working towards making Copilot the best manufacturing recruiting assistant out there. We think of it as a super-smart, always-on AI assistant that's better and more affordable than old-school recruiting. Our goal is to pack Copilot with deep industry know-how, best-in-class recruiting ability, and round-the-clock availability to give our customers a recruiting powerhouse that blows traditional methods out of the water. With Copilot, they'll fill those tricky manufacturing positions faster and without breaking the bank.

Over the next four months, Copilot will become significantly smarter and more capable, widening the range of tasks that it can take off the shoulders of our customers.”

What process did the team follow to decide on this path for the future?

“We informed our development roadmap for Copilot through extensive customer feedback. We engaged in conversations with hundreds of customers to understand their needs, challenges, and expectations regarding quality candidates, job board usage, time-consuming tasks, and areas where Copilot could make the most significant impact. This user-centric approach ensures that our enhancements align closely with customer requirements and industry demands, shaping a future state that directly addresses the most pressing needs in manufacturing recruitment.”

When can we expect these updates and features to be fully released?

“We're planning to roll out these features in two phases. Within the next two months, our customers can expect improvements in job posting optimization, enhanced candidate scoring, and streamlined communication features.

In September and October, we'll introduce improvements to Copilot’s proactive sourcing of passive candidates, dynamic candidate screening, and regular performance reporting from Copilot.”

These updates will roll out over the next four months, with the full range of new features expected by October. The vision is clear: to make Copilot the ultimate AI assistant for manufacturing recruitment, surpassing traditional methods while remaining cost-effective.

Stay tuned for these exciting updates, and feel free to reach out with any questions about FactoryFix's evolving platform and future vision. The team remains dedicated to improving your experience and helping you find the best manufacturing talent.

Interested in learning more about FactoryFix? Schedule a demo with one of our growth engagement managers and see the difference FactoryFix is making for manufacturing recruiting teams!